Arne Grant
Vice President
Arne Grant, Vice President and Arizona Regional Manager, has worked for Arizona Pipeline Company (APL) since January of 1984. He started as a Laborer and has since worked through many departments of the company to include Foreman, Coordinator, Superintendent, and Estimator. Arne started his construction career in the Phoenix area doing residential and commercial landscaping before moving on to a small contractor that installed underground cable TV lines. Not only was he by far the youngest foreman at 18 for this cable company, he was the highest producing and safest, installing more footage than the other dozen or more experienced crews, with no worker related accidents during his time there. Arne then moved on to APL and has worked for Arizona Pipeline throughout the state as well as in the FT Worth/Dallas, Texas area and is also chief estimator for the Phoenix metro area. Mr. Grant has expertise in large natural gas distribution main and service replacements, which he installed many, many miles of while in the field, as well as, steel main transmission and distribution replacements.
Arne Grant graduated from Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business, Summa Cum Laude, in 2004, attending their main campus site at nights while also working at APL. He is an avid bass angler and trout fly fishing enthusiast. He also loves to golf, having a handicap in the low single digits. Arne has been married to his wife Elizabeth, a nurse, for over 30 years; with a son, who is currently enlisted in the U.S. Army.
Over the years Mr. Grant has seen and helped grow the Phoenix Division from its original handful of crews to over 75 crews. He says that his work ethic not only came from his Mother, a long time High School English teacher, but his first Manager/Superintendent at APL and a Founding Father of Arizona Pipeline, Lee Downing, who taught him to work clean and smart and to “Lead, Follow, or get the Hell out of the Way”!